rongguang 发表于 2012-5-29 13:26:12

5位年少时曾受欺凌的超模 他们说我很丑

下面为大家介绍这其中的5位超模,倾听她们的诉说。她们分别是:Lara Stone,Rosie Huntington-Whiteley,Lindsey Wixson,Chanel Iman和Lily Cole。无论过去如何,这5位超模如今获得的成功与自信,都时刻在鼓励着无数自卑女孩:爱自己,并相信自己的独特和美丽。1.Lara Stone:"It hurts when you're having a tough day and someone says, 'She's so f**king ugly I wouldn't let my dog near her.' Yes, they have, and 500 people 'liked' it!"(那段痛苦的日子真的很让我伤心,有的人甚至说:“她真是太XX丑了,我甚至不会让我的狗接近她。”对,他们的确这样说,而且还有500个人点“赞”。)

cat828 发表于 2012-5-29 15:54:46
3.Lindsey Wixson:"I was actually always really self-conscious about my gap. In middle school, this group of girls were always trying to beat me up - they called my gap a parking lot... I felt skinny and tall. It was the worst time of my life. But I don't feel like that anymore. Modelling has really helped build my confidence."(我过去对于自己的牙缝很有自知之明。中学时期,那群女孩总是想把我击溃。她们管我的牙缝叫“停车场”。我觉得我长得又细又长。那是我一生中最糟糕的日子,但我现在已经解脱了,当模特让我建立自信。)

cat828 发表于 2012-5-29 18:37:12
4.Chanel Iman:"I've always been judged and bullied for being tall and skinny my whole life.Early on I listened to others and failed to appreciate what God gave me until I at last excepted what an amazing blessing it was to love me for me."(我的一生中,人们经常凭我又高又瘦的外表来判定我和欺负我。以前我听信人家所说的,而没有感恩于老天赋予我的一切,直到后来我才学会,爱自己原本的样子是最大的恩赐。)
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